How to Clean Stainless Steel Refrigerator Doors

Stainless steel refrigerator doors can be a challenge to keep clean. Not only do they show fingerprints and smudges, but they can also be difficult to polish. Below are 3 tips to assist you in keeping your stainless steel refrigerator looking its best:


  1. Make a cleaning solution

Cleaning stainless steel refrigerator doors can be a bit tricky. The best way to clean them is with a cleaning solution made of one part ammonia and four parts water. First, wipe down the door with a wet cloth to remove any dirt or dust. Then, pour the cleaning solution onto a cloth and wipe down the door again. Rinse off the cleaning solution with a wet cloth afterwards. Finally, dry the steel door with a clean towel. Repeat this as needed to keep your stainless steel refrigerator doors clean and looking their best.


  1. Try a commercial stainless steel cleaner or polish

One option is to try a commercial stainless steel cleaner. Read the label to make sure it is safe for use on stainless steel. Apply the cleaner according to the manufacturer's directions, and then buff it off with a soft cloth.

Another option is to try a commercial stainless steel polish. Like the cleaner, be sure to read the label carefully to make sure that it is safe for use on stainless steel. Apply the polish according to the manufacturer's directions, and then buff it off with a soft cloth.

Whichever option you choose, test it in a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that it does not damage the finish on your refrigerator steel doors.


  1. Use a paste of baking soda

One way to clean stainless steel refrigerator doors is to use a paste of baking soda and water. Mix tablespoons of baking soda with some water to form a thick paste. Spread the paste over the door, and fingerprints and smudges will start to disappear. Let the paste sit before wiping it off with a wet cloth. Rinse the cloth in warm water as you go to avoid leaving any residue behind.


You can add a little vinegar to the baking soda paste for tougher stains, and the vinegar's acidity will help break down any stubborn dirt and grime. Rinse the door well after cleaning with this method, as the vinegar smell can be strong.

Cleaning stainless steel refrigerator doors is a great way to keep your fridge looking new. You can easily remove fingerprints and smudges with a bit of baking soda and water, leaving the door sparkling clean.


Last Words

Cleaning stainless steel refrigerator doors is not as difficult as one might think, and it can be quickly done with a few simple steps and supplies. Following the tips in this article, you can keep your stainless steel refrigerator looking shiny and new for years to come!

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