Single Or Double Entry Doors; Which Works Best For Your Paterson Home?

So, you finally settled on renovating your home in Paterson, and all that's left is your entry door! Although you might have thought that picking the right entry door is a quick decision, you'll soon come to find that choosing the right one can take hours or even days of contemplation.

Single entry doors are incredibly popular and can be found in nearly every home. The reason behind it is simple; they're more affordable than double entry doors.

The high popularity of single front doors in Paterson also means that they’re available in a much wider range of options. This gives homeowners more liberty to practice to make their entryway a creative outlet and pick a door that best fits their home décor ideas.

Iron wrought doors are a common and widely loved option when it comes to single entry doors, mainly because of a higher aesthetic appeal. With the right door choice, homeowners can make their single entry door just as extravagant as their double counterparts.


Unlike single doors, double entry doors are not as widely seen. However, this fact adds to their charm and luxurious feel. They’re usually associated with bigger houses and are seen as a ‘grand’ entrance. While double entry doors require more space, they are also seen as a prominent décor item for homes, which can be decorated with intricate detailing and grids to emphasize the style. Once again, iron wrought and steel doors are a trendy option among homeowners and interior decorators alike.

Double entry doors are also an excellent option for historical home fanatics who want to give their house a Victorian yet modern touch with the iron wrought door detailing. Many homeowners tend to add glass to their double entry doors to add more dimension and allow light to come into the home. However, it’s no secret that double entry doors work best in a more spacious setting.

Whether you opt for a double-entry or single entry door, one thing is for sure; the front door needs to be made with utmost care and precision. At Pinky’s Iron Doors, we can take a look at your requirements and custom make a door that best suits your estate. Contact us today for more information on our process as well as pricing.

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