Install Guide | Lock

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If you have not watched our videos on receiving your shipment or on storage, and you doors have either not arrived yet, or are being stored, click with RECEIVING/PICKUP or STORAGE.




Step 1:

Install the deadbolt and make sure the arrow inside it is facing upward. NOTE: make sure your strike plate is correctly placed onto the deadbolt before screwing it into place.

Step 2:

Make sure your handles are facing the correct way. Unscrew the screw plate on the back and flip the handle if you need to.

NOTE: Use the 2 screws that come screwed into your door for this. Do the exact same thing with your latch, making sure that it’s faced correctly so that it will close into the receiving door properly. For wooden doors, use the black, pointed screws that come with the lock with the rest of your hardware.

Step 3:

Install the lock cylinder or the plug depending on if you are installing these on the active or inactive door. You will see there are 2 threaded holes on the back of the Lock cylinder.

Step 4:

Install the outer handle and the mounting plate using the correct hardware for your door's thickness. You're gonna want to tighten these screws somewhat loosely, then place a level on the top and side of the handle to make sure it is level before tightening them down. Install the interior side of the handle with the lower screws.

Step 5:

Install the interior side of the handle with the lower screws. If you're installing the lock cylinder, make sure the bolt turn and the flat piece coming off the back of the lock cylinder are both aligned vertically when you slide the lock cylinder into its place. If you are using these locks on the inactive door you can use the plug instead of the lock cylinder.

NOTE: Make sure to not screw the screws in too tightly into your locks otherwise the locks will be very stiff to turn.

Step 6:

Install the receiving strike plates and test out your new locks!

For steel or iron doors, there are a few more steps you may need to follow in order to get the perfect fitment.

If there is paint or epoxy inside of your strike plate area, you’ll want to use a razor blade to score the outline of the area, and then scrape the excess material away. In some cases, you may need to file a small part of this area down in order to properly mount your strike plate.

If you have a door with a flat astragal, such as an interior single door or a dutch door, this strike plate may cause the door to not seal as closely. We have 2 ways of making this situation better. We can either bend this strike plate down, or we can trim down the lip with an angle grinder.


Screw the strike plate into a 2x4 with the lip hanging off the edge, as shown in the picture below. With the Strike plate screwed in place tightly, take a mallet and bend this lip towards the door frame.


We don’t want to cut too much of this lip off, however we can take off about 1/8 of an inch and it will likely help close the gap significantly. Round the corners of this cut and sand the edges for a better fit and finish, before touching up with black paint.

Lock Strike Plates

If the door is not 100% level (And even with the door being level, the strike plate may still require some fling adjustments), the latch and deadbolt strikes will not strike correctly into the opposing strike plate. In this case, you will need to fle down the opening of the strike plate in order for the latch to secure correctly.

On a wooden door, it is easy to notch out the wood to change the location of the strike plate, but because an iron door is

metal, instead of cutting and welding new metal, this fling of the plate is the solution for small strike issues. Our strike areas are standard* sizes and the plates can be purchased at your local hardware store

Please reference the diagram on the left for an example of a strike plate that has been fled vs. one that has not.

There are also times when the screw locations on the strike

plates may not line up 100% perfectly with the threading on our doors. In this case, you will need to drill the holes strike plate larger to align the screw holes. The bottom left diagram shows those locations as well.

*Filing adjustments may be needed depending on the lock manufacturer as they may not provide the correct size strike plate for our metal doors.





Lockstrikes on a Door Lineart image
Lockstrikes on a Door Lineart image 2
Lockstrikes on a Door Lineart image 3
Lockstrikes on a Door Lineart image 4




You can file down about 1/16th of an inch in any direction in order to make your door close more easily. Any further adjustment needed is likely going to be because of a door leveling/fitment issue that will need to be addressed at the source.








Very heavy

Requires 2 or more able bodies

Following instructions must be followed for warranty to be valid

Rough opening must be 1" to 2" wider and ½" to 1" taller minimum

Protect product at all times

  • NEVER leave uncovered
  • NEVER allow the product or shipping package to get wet
  • ATTENTION remove nails from crate prior to removing product to avoid scratching the product

Must be a licensed contractor

Hardware specifications

Hardware Specifications

Waterproofing preparations required before installation

Always follow waterproof manufacturers instructions and guidelines




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Tool-Tips Images Lineart
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Tool-Tips Images Lineart





Caution: Only use Blue Painters Tape on Pinkys Product

Avoid Damage to Finish on Door and Frame.

Pinkys Iron Doors is not liable for any damages caused by misuse of tapes and adhesives on your Pinkys product.

Please do not use any tape or adhesive other than blue painters tape to mask, cover,

or for any purpose on your Pinkys products.

If the blue painters tape is needed for extended amounts of time, please replace tape regularly as the sun can bake the adhesive onto the painted area.

If you must use red duct tape for stucco work or otherwise,

please first apply the blue painters tape and mask with red duct tape over the blue painters tape to avoid any contact with the door/frames paint itself

Using any other type of tape directly on your Pinky’s products will result in peeling/bubbling of the paint.


  1. After install, be sure to carefully dust off any loose dust/debris.
  2. Protect the doors/windows with something adequate to protect the doors/windows from dust and debris during the remainder of construction, protecting all glass and metal surfaces. Blue vinyl painters tape should be used for the application of your chosen covering on all four corners of the frame.
  3. After construction and finish work is complete on the entire home, tape should be carefully removed along with the protective material you've used on the doors/windows. A final clean with Pinky's iron door spray should be used.

    Make sure to check our MAINTENANCE tab in order to make sure you’re maintaining proper upkeep practices!